Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

Posted by Mac at 12:10 PM
Fair warning, this post might be considered inappropriate by some of you. If you are offended easily, please turn back now. If you don't want to read a funny blog post that mentions sex or orgasms, turn back now. 

Are you still with me? Did I get your attention at sex? Pervert! Just kidding. I'm glad you are still reading this! 

I was browsing the wonderfully addictive, super huge time-wasting site known as Pinterest last night for food pictures to avoid going to my fridge and eating out of boredom, when I came across a recipe for "Better than Sex Cake".  Here's the image I found. Looks decent right?

But is it Better than sex? I was not convinced after reading the recipe. And let's be honest, it could be a little moister!

Out of curiosity, I searched the term. You would be surprised how many hits you get on Pinterest with the title, Better than Sex:

Better than Sex Cake
Better than Sex Chex Mix
Better than Sex Mixed Drinks
Better than Sex Cookies
Better than Sex Mascara.. you have got to be kidding me
Better than Sex Brownies
Better than Sex Cupcakes
Better than Sex Stuffing
Better than Sex Hot Sauce
Better than Sex Pasta
Better than Sex Tea

The list goes on and on and on. Seriously, go search it. You will not stop scrolling for days! 

Anyway, Who names this stuff? Have they actually ever had sex? They must have been doing it wrong to think that cake (or my favorite, mascara) is better... ever.

The only thing better than sex, is foreplay before, more sex after and cuddling after that. 

Seriously people, find a better partner, toy, whatever. Have an orgasm and then try to tell me that your damn cake is better than that.

Still think it is?

Have a few more orgasms. Try a new position. Try something a little (or a lot) out of the norm. Usually do it in bed with the lights off? Try it in the shower or on the floor. Have Fun!

Ok, enough. The point is that I have never, EVER tasted anything so great that it makes me feel better than I do during or after sex.

And besides, as moms, sometimes food is the enemy. It makes us feel guilty and even a little bloated. But as a mom, i have never felt those particular things after sex with my hubby. It is, after all, how you become a mother!

On a side note, if you spell it wrong, Better then Sex, You will get things like:

Better then Sex Nail Polish
Better then Sex Cake Pops
Better then Sex Trick or Treating
Better then Sex Shoes
Better then Sex Fruit Dip
Better then Sex Books

This one is my absolute favorite and pretty much the point of this rant:

Have a great Hump Day everyone!



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