What I didn't mention is that I showed up to this play date in yoga pants. I don't think that needed mentioning, since it is my daily wardrobe, but I want to point it out now because of a comment this wonderful mom made that day. For the sake of this post, let's call her JS.
About halfway into our play date, JS asked when I was going to post again since it had clearly been a while and I "can't get everyone addicted and then not post for a while." Ok, point taken. zI'll get right on it!
Then she made another comment about an e-card that she saw that totally reminded her of me. I'm pretty sure it was this one:
And the best part is, it's totally accurate, but only for me it seems. JS showed up in jeans and a cute top, with her hair and (gasp!), make-up done! She looked totally hot and I looked like I had just rolled out of a yoga class with my hair in a sloppy ponytail, rocking my yoga pants!
Now time for the real confession:
It's true. I'm slightly ashamed, just slightly! Not a single pair of my yoga pants have been to yoga. I haven't even though about yoga while wearing them. A few of them may have been to the gym. Some of them have been worn while I was dancing in the kitchen with LT and hubby. But not a single one of my 13 pairs of trusty yoga pants have ever, once been to yoga.
I think we need to start a movement to rename these trusty, comfortable companions. Let's call them "perfect pants".
Let's face it, Yoga pants are wonderful. They are perfect for fat days, thin days, days when aunt flow comes to visit and just about every other day in between! Just don't wear them to your cousins wedding, Christmas dinner or any pair that has writing on the butt!
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