Monday, August 19, 2013

Dear Moms,

Posted by Mac at 11:12 AM
We are all in this together.

Thin moms, Fat moms. Single moms, Married moms. Moms of many, Moms of one. Working moms, Stay at home moms. Fit moms. Moms who cook, Moms who can't. Moms who think they are doing a bad job, but are really doing just fine.

We are all in this together.

I wish the "Mommy Wars"(MW) weren't real. I wish we would all stop comparing ourselves to our Pinterest boards and start believing in ourselves and out ability to parent.
But sadly, the MW are real and (real) scary.
They make great moms feel like shit.
They pit us against each other when we should be encouraging each other, lending a hand (or a should to cry on), and being there for the only other people who know what it is that you are really going through.

We are all in this together.

Stop the comparisons, stop the judgement.

We are all in this together.

This is a blog for ALL MOMS. Disrespect and cruel words will not be tolerated. All comments will be moderated.

Welcome to the Real Mom Crusade! I'm glad to have you!!




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